
Sunday, October 31, 2010


Today is Halloween as you all know I'm sure. After naps, we will dress our three little girls into their costumes and take them to our family's homes. It is what we have done each year since Zoelle was a baby.

Zoelle-Halloween 2007

We aren't really sure how we feel about it though. We don't really like celebrating Halloween and what it stands for. Yet, we have done so each year in part because society and some of our family expects it. In the same sense it is fun to dress the girls up and see their excitement over the outfits. We aren't big candy eaters, so this day is special for the older girls in that we will let them have a bit more than normal.

Zoelle-Halloween 2008

At this point the girls haven't asked any questions about what exactly Halloween is. We also know that we don't want to shelter them from the real world. They will learn about Halloween at some point. Whether or not we are celebrating it then is going to have to be something we come up with over the years after many talks and much prayer.

Zoelle & Meridian-Halloween 2009

We know some families choose to do something at their local church, or mall, or even just to stay home and have a fun filled game/movie night as a family. But then we always find ourselves asking, "Isn't that the same as celebrating it, without using the word Halloween?". Sigh...we don't know. All we know is that for this year, and for our family we will be going out.

What do you do on October 31st? Do you celebrate Halloween? If not, what do you do?


  1. We usually always go to the Veterens Home, they LOVE seeing the kids all dressed up, then we trick or treat in that neighborhood right by there and then it depends. This year we went to Life Church for their Spongefest and it was really fun. Our boys know what Halloween is, we just choose to not celebrate *that* meaning of it and make it a fun day to dress up and go see other people dressed up too :)

  2. Salena-So what meaning do you tell your boys? I mean, why are we celebrating by dressing up? I'm not sure yet what/how I feel about it.

  3. We aren't really "celebrating" I guess...we just dress up :)

  4. That is a good idea. My girls love to dress up! I'm sure as they get older, I will have to explain, but for now just dressing up and getting candy is fun! :)


Feel free to share any jewels or treasures in your comments to me. :)