I haven't blogged about it much yet, but this year we decided to homeschool Zoelle for preschool. I'll be honest and say that I had mixed feelings about it to begin with. For one, Zoelle and I have very similar personalities and I was afraid she would fight me to do her work. Secondly, Chris and I have noticed a trend in homeschooling kids. They either are way ahead of their peers, or way behind. If you are the former, you tend to have the typical "nerdy homeschooler" reputation (not that it is bad). The latter, is something we do not want to happen at all! Being that homeschooling is something that most already look negatively upon, I did not want to attribute to the negative by having my child be one who falls behind. Thus if we homeschool, I will strive to have my child be at least average, if not ahead.
So when we started researching what we would do we had to weigh the pros and cons. I have my degree in Elementary Education thus it only seems natural that I should teach. We also looked at our local private schools and public schools. We are not a "Christian school only" type of family, nor are we just going to send our kids to public school without thought. I see nothing wrong with either of our choices in the area we live.
So why homeschool? I'm not sure we came up with a concrete answer. It's not because we are Christians, or want to keep Zoelle home longer (although I'm sure those things attributed to it). Rather, it just felt right this year. We decided to take it on a year by year basis. We agreed that for this year, we will homeschool her. She is three afterall. Had we sent her to preschool at either a local Christian school or public school, her schooling would have only been a few days of week anyway. At this age, school is geared more towards social interaction, than actual learning.
Speaking of social interaction, Zoelle gets plenty of that during the week. On Sundays she goes to church in which she participates in Sunday School and nursery with other kids her age. Every other Tuesday I go to a bible study, so she once again gets to interact with other kids. We have play dates! We also go to storytime at the library every Thursday. Anyone who knows my Zoelle knows that social interaction is no problem for this chica!
So how are we liking it (both her and I)? Which curriculum are we using?
I'll answer those questions and any others you have in a separate post to come soon!