It's been 5 whole years now sweetie! You are now one hand! I can hardly believe it! To think that five years ago yesterday, you were still wiggling around, pushing up in my ribs, and ready to surprise us all with coming out a little early (and very quickly) the next day. Thus making you and your older sister 2 years and 1 day apart. From the moment you entered this world, you took in the world around you quietly. You never even cried, instead just looking up into my eyes as if to say "hello mama".
For some reason, this milestone of five years old is hitting me hard. I'm pretty sure it is for your daddy too. Maybe it's because it comes with the realization that it has been five years since I was pregnant, or maybe it is because you seem like such a young five year old to me? Either way, it is hard for us to see you growing up. But grow up you will and you are doing.
This year will forever be known as the year of stripes for me! Almost everyday, in good clothes or play clothes, you had to be wearing stripes. I don't want to ever forget how much it made me laugh, or smile to hear you say, "Mama look, stripes again" and then smile that beautiful smile of yours! This year, you did your second year of preschool, but if I'm honest, we didn't do a lot of it. Instead, I let you play on the days you wanted to, which was most days. That doesn't mean though that you weren't learning and listening to your big sister as she did school. It surprised me the very first time I saw you write your name this year! It again surprised me when I saw you knew your letters and letter sounds. I don't know why, but you seem so young to me and somehow I wasn't expecting you to know all that when we haven't done formal school with you. This year you got your hair cut for the second time, and you were so nervous that she would cut your ringlet curls off that you love so much! You love to snuggle and a dozen times during the day, you seek me out to cuddle and kiss me, and then off you go playing again. I think your affection is a way for me to know that you are here as you go about your days just content to be quiet and play on your own. This year you finally started going to sleep on your own. Of course, you still beg daddy to snuggle you before bed, and most times, he does. You still end up in our bed most nights, and I secretly love it as it is my only chance to truly get to spend time with my Rinnie (Xiomara's nickname for you) as you are so independent. Every once and awhile, you let it be known that you want things to go your way and a little stubborn side comes out in you. Most times, it makes me smile as I'm reminded all over again how much like your daddy you are. Quiet, content, sweet, and gentle are all the words I use to describe you.
At 5 you LOVE the color purple! No other color will do, it has to be purple! Your favorite food is sandwiches (must be a Frozen thing). You love to spend most of your days playing Lego Friends, Olivia, or off playing quietly somewhere by yourself. You love flowers and spend a good amount of time collecting them outside and then bringing them inside for me to put them in a vase. When you grow you want to be a mama (and what a sweet one you will be).
I'm so in love with you my little Meridian in the middle (you came up with that nickname all by yourself). So many times, being in the middle, you are seemingly forgotten. I want you to know that I could never forget you. You may be a daddy's girl and only ever want to snuggle with him, but I see you and I'm proud of the little girl you are. I love your sweetness, your beautiful eyes that aren't quite blue and aren't quite green, and I love your ringlet curls just as much as you do! This is the first year you weren't in my bed when I woke up on your birthday. My heart sank as I realized that you truly are growing up. So early this morning, I prayed for you to know that you are loved at all times this year and to feel that this day is special and just for you. May you keep shining sweetness wherever you go little Meridian Piper. We love you! Happy 5th birthday!

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