On the web:
Dear Mom on the iPhone, I Get it.
{A great response to this article. While I love both of them and can definitely see both sides, I really liked the heart and words behind this response.}
Consoling The Offender.
{Oh how I needed to read this! I've had a lot of offenders lately and instead of consoling, I've been scolding. I'm realizing that the offender is hurting and needs to be comforted, consoled, and loved.}
On my Kindle:
Grace-Based Parenting
{Yes the same one I had on here a year ago. I'm slowly making my way through it. Liking what I read, but also finding it a slow read.}
Desperate: Hope for the Mom Who Needs to Breathe
{This one I am starting this next week with a few girlfriends of mine. I am SO excited to read it as I've read great reviews and also the title alone makes me want to sigh with relief!}
On my Spotify:
When I Was Your Man by Bruno Mars
{Could Bruno's voice be any dreamier?!? Also, the lyrics make me want to cry.}
Just Give Me A Reason by P!nk
{A haunting, gorgeous song on love.}
Sad by Maroon 5
{The girls and I have enjoyed playing and singing this one together on the piano. It touches my heart.}
On TV:
Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman
{Yes, the super old show that I watched as a child. Pretty sure I may have to reserve a whole separate post on this.}
In theaters:
Les Misérables
{I never say this about any movie, but if you have not seen this, make sure you do at some point. The story of grace, love, and redemption is played out so clearly!}
In the Bible:
Psalm 68:19-20 "Blessed be the Lord-day after day He carries us along. He's our Savior, our God, oh yes! He's God-for-us, he's God-who-saves-us."~Message Translation
{I've been clinging to this promise a lot lately.}
What I'm Praying For:
Spring!! That seems shallow, but it's an honest answer. I need sun, I need outside, I need walks, I need to burn energy. More importantly, my girls need it too!

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