Just because we homeschooled last year, did not mean that it was an easy decision for us to homeschool again this year. In fact this year, the decision became a lot harder because I not only have Zoelle to teach 1st grade to, but I also wanted to start Meridian & Xiomara in Preschool. On top of all that, I have a household to keep clean, laundry to fold and put away, and all the other households duties to keep up with. To say I was worried about it before we began, is an understatement. However, we firmly felt that this was the right thing to do for this year. I'll admit though that I'm already looking ahead to next year and knowing that most likely, unless things change, I won't be able to keep up. So this may potentially be our last year homeschooling. It's bittersweet for me to admit that, but I'm just not sure I can do it all.
As for this year, and homeschooling in specific, it is going very well. Zoelle is doing an excellent job and particularly loves math and reading. She also has a community choir she participates in, that she looks forward to going to each week.
Meridian is showing an interest in school this year (which is very different than last year where she showed no interest), so we are working through our curriculum which focuses on learning her letters and the letter sounds. She is showing more and more interest in learning to read, so perhaps she will do so this year.
Xiomara likes to sit and do "school" with Meridian. While she isn't as interested in school as Meridian, she does like to sing her abc's, count, "write", etc.
So overall, life has gotten a lot busier around here, but we are each learning to adjust our schedules and show grace to ourselves or one another in the process.
How is your school year going? Has it been a process of change, or has it gone smoothly for you so far?

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